Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Staffers debate which party is uglier

Oh you silly Republican boys... how much time do you really have on your hands? This is not really "fashion" and it's totally horrible, but kind of funny nonetheless. I am not going to reprint the image because, well, it's not worth calling too much attention to it, but check it out for yourself. From Wonkette:

Today on The Capitolist — the new anonymous message board only accessible through official congressional computers — we learn what Hill staffers think about beauty and politics:

"I’m just saying that for the most part, Democrats tend to be uglier or ugly people tend to identify more with Democrats. (Classic chicken-egg scenario). Probably because ugly people are usually always pissed off and spiteful of people who are successful and attractive and thus try to destroy them by taxing them to death. ..."
There are some ridiculous comments on the discussion board following the posting. To read the whole thing, click here...
– The Capitolist via Wonkette

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