Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Textured jacket makes it to Wonkette

So my pictorial timeline of Hillary's scary blue textured jacket made it on to Wonkette (my site's made it twice and counting!). As of this posting, 44 people have commented on it - not that anyone would ever put a comment on my site, but whatever. I love some of the observations, plus I found out she's wearing the same jacket on the cover of the current Fortune magazine, too:

  • One commenter called it, "Hil's 'lectric blue U-Haul moving-blanket quilted material schmatte" and another, "Electric Blue Flak Jacket"
  • "It says, 'Look, I'm not stylish. I'm not rich. I'm just one of you. I shop at K-Mart' "
  • "I mean, it is just a 'stylish old lady' jacket, and she doesn't really have the body (even though she has the $$$) for couture. I am more offended by what the average teen wears, so I am just glad she doesn't have 'JUICY' written across her ass."
  • "Does Hillary employ an irrepressible, irreverent Austrian novitiate as her seamstress? I suspect there's a pissed off naval officer looking for his curtains as we speak. The hills are alive ..."
  • "Looks like she shops at the same place as Kim Jong-Il."
  • "I like to think of her as the Quilted Quicker Picker Upper."
  • "The color is very nice (including with her coloring - not always easy for the pasty white chics), and the texture wouldn't be so awful if it were done some other way. It would still be way too 'Chicos' however, at least for somebody purportedly appealing to the youth. But the primary problem, as the blogger deftly points out, is the fit. Honey, men have been getting their stuff tailored for generations (some very badly, I'll admit). Laura always looks so nice because she gets her stuff made for her. If somebody made this for you, fire them. If not, get thee to a haberdasher - PRONTO."
To read Wonkette's comments, click here...


BabsieD said...

Well then let me be the first to comment!
a.) "Chicos" is the perfect descriptor (although it isn't an earth tone).
b.) Love your site, keep up the great work!

Maxie said...

Those jackets are horrible-- keep up the reports about it-- I'm curious where she got them. Love the site!